341 research outputs found

    From Model Checking to Runtime Verification and Back

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    We describe a novel approach for adapting an existing software model checker to perform precise runtime verification. The software under test is allowed to communicate with the wider environment (including the file system and network). The modifications to the model checker are small and self-contained, making this a viable strategy for re-using existing model checking tools in a new context. Additionally, from the data that is gathered during a single execution in the runtime verification mode, we automatically re-construct a description of the execution environment which can then be used in the standard, full-blown model checker. This additional verification step can further improve coverage, especially in the case of parallel programs, without introducing substantial overhead into the process of runtime verification

    Formal Analysis of Java Programs in JavaFAN

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    On-Line Monitoring for Temporal Logic Robustness

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    In this paper, we provide a Dynamic Programming algorithm for on-line monitoring of the state robustness of Metric Temporal Logic specifications with past time operators. We compute the robustness of MTL with unbounded past and bounded future temporal operators MTL over sampled traces of Cyber-Physical Systems. We implemented our tool in Matlab as a Simulink block that can be used in any Simulink model. We experimentally demonstrate that the overhead of the MTL robustness monitoring is acceptable for certain classes of practical specifications

    Operational Semantics of Process Monitors

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    CSPe is a specification language for runtime monitors that can directly express concurrency in a bottom-up manner that composes the system from simpler, interacting components. It includes constructs to explicitly flag failures to the monitor, which unlike deadlocks and livelocks in conventional process algebras, propagate globally and aborts the whole system's execution. Although CSPe has a trace semantics along with an implementation demonstrating acceptable performance, it lacks an operational semantics. An operational semantics is not only more accessible than trace semantics but also indispensable for ensuring the correctness of the implementation. Furthermore, a process algebra like CSPe admits multiple denotational semantics appropriate for different purposes, and an operational semantics is the basis for justifying such semantics' integrity and relevance. In this paper, we develop an SOS-style operational semantics for CSPe, which properly accounts for explicit failures and will serve as a basis for further study of its properties, its optimization, and its use in runtime verification

    A Novel Run-Time Monitoring Architecture for Safe and Efficient Inline Monitoring

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    20th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2015 (Ada-Europe 2015), Madrid, Spain.Verification and testing are two of the most costly and time consuming steps during the development of safety critical systems. The advent of complex and sometimes partially unpredictable computing architectures such as multicore commercial-of-the-shelf platforms, together with the composable development approach adopted in multiple industrial domains such as avionics and automotive, rendered the exhaustive testing of all situations that could potentially be encountered by the system once deployed on the field nearly impossible. Run-time verification (RV) is a promising solution to help accelerate the development of safety critical applications whilst maintaining the high degree of reliability required by such systems. RV adds monitors in the application, which check at run-time if the system is behaving according to predefined specifications. In case of deviations from the specifications during the runtime, safeguarding measures can be triggered in order to keep the system and its environment in a safe state, as well as potentially attempting to recover from the fault that caused the misbehaviour. Most of the state-of-the-art on RV essentially focused on the monitor generation, concentrating on the expressiveness of the specification language and its translation in correct-by-construction monitors. Few of them addressed the problem of designing an efficient and safe run-time monitoring (RM) architecture. Yet, RM is a key component for RV. The RM layer gathers information from the monitored application and transmits it to the monitors. Therefore, without an efficient and safe RM architecture, the whole RV system becomes useless, as its inputs and hence by extension its outputs cannot be trusted. In this paper, we discuss the design of a novel RM architecture suited to safety critical applications

    A decidable policy language for history-based transaction monitoring

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    Online trading invariably involves dealings between strangers, so it is important for one party to be able to judge objectively the trustworthiness of the other. In such a setting, the decision to trust a user may sensibly be based on that user's past behaviour. We introduce a specification language based on linear temporal logic for expressing a policy for categorising the behaviour patterns of a user depending on its transaction history. We also present an algorithm for checking whether the transaction history obeys the stated policy. To be useful in a real setting, such a language should allow one to express realistic policies which may involve parameter quantification and quantitative or statistical patterns. We introduce several extensions of linear temporal logic to cater for such needs: a restricted form of universal and existential quantification; arbitrary computable functions and relations in the term language; and a "counting" quantifier for counting how many times a formula holds in the past. We then show that model checking a transaction history against a policy, which we call the history-based transaction monitoring problem, is PSPACE-complete in the size of the policy formula and the length of the history. The problem becomes decidable in polynomial time when the policies are fixed. We also consider the problem of transaction monitoring in the case where not all the parameters of actions are observable. We formulate two such "partial observability" monitoring problems, and show their decidability under certain restrictions

    Tree Buffers

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    In runtime verification, the central problem is to decide if a given program execution violates a given property. In online runtime verification, a monitor observes a program’s execution as it happens. If the program being observed has hard real-time constraints, then the monitor inherits them. In the presence of hard real-time constraints it becomes a challenge to maintain enough information to produce error traces, should a property violation be observed. In this paper we introduce a data structure, called tree buffer, that solves this problem in the context of automata-based monitors: If the monitor itself respects hard real-time constraints, then enriching it by tree buffers makes it possible to provide error traces, which are essential for diagnosing defects. We show that tree buffers are also useful in other application domains. For example, they can be used to implement functionality of capturing groups in regular expressions. We prove optimal asymptotic bounds for our data structure, and validate them using empirical data from two sources: regular expression searching through Wikipedia, and runtime verification of execution traces obtained from the DaCapo test suite

    Specification and Verification of Media Constraints using UPPAAL

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    We present the formal specification and verification of a multimedia stream. The stream is described in a timed automata notation. We verify that the stream satisfies certain quality of service properties, in particular, throughput and end-to-end latency. The verification tool used is the real-time model checker UPPAAL

    DecSerFlow: Towards a Truly Declarative Service Flow Language

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    The need for process support in the context of web services has triggered the development of many languages, systems, and standards. Industry has been developing software solutions and proposing standards such as BPEL, while researchers have been advocating the use of formal methods such as Petri nets and pi-calculus. The languages developed for service flows, i.e., process specification languages for web services, have adopted many concepts from classical workflow management systems. As a result, these languages are rather procedural and this does not fit well with the autonomous nature of services. Therefore, we propose DecSerFlow as a Declarative Service Flow Language. DecSerFlow can be used to specify, enact, and monitor service flows. The language is extendible (i.e., constructs can be added without changing the engine or semantical basis) and can be used to enforce or to check the conformance of service flows. Although the language has an appealing graphical representation, it is grounded in temporal logic
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